Mission Statement
St. Matthew Catholic School strives to educate the whole child through respect, responsibility, and service in living the gospel message.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to be a family centered, supportive educational community striving toward academic excellence. We will inspire students to become independent thinkers with a love of learning and a strong family-based foundation. Our students will develop emotionally, spiritually and academically to face the challenges of the future and become responsible leaders of tomorrow.
Our Philosophy
We believe that each child …..
· Has the right to a nurturing, safe and loving environment
· Needs structure, rules, choices and opportunities to learn grow and have fun
· Needs guidance in developing appropriate social behaviors
· Needs to develop a positive self-image, respect, and responsibility to themselves and others
· Needs activities that allow him/her to achieve or experience success at his/her own level
· Has the right to a nurturing, safe and loving environment
· Needs structure, rules, choices and opportunities to learn grow and have fun
· Needs guidance in developing appropriate social behaviors
· Needs to develop a positive self-image, respect, and responsibility to themselves and others
· Needs activities that allow him/her to achieve or experience success at his/her own level